Create a Folder Structure For Daily Reporting

This is the folder structure for the daily server CMDB true up reports. The code snippet assumes that the script it’s part of is deployed as a PowerShell scheduled job running on the server that provides the file share and therefore absolute paths are used.

Create the Folder Structure and Implement the File Naming scheme:

To organize the daily reports the script creates a folder structure to hold the daily reports and to accept input from an input folder if needed. I also wanted to email a monthly report to management at the first of each month.

# Start Folder and File Name structure
# Get the current date in the format YEAR-MONTH-DAY
$fdate = Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd"
# Create a Booleam variable to be used to decide if a
# monthly report is due. 
[System.Boolean]$monthlyReport = $false
# Check if this is the first of the month and report
# should be emailed to management. 
If ([string]($fdate.Split('-')[2]) -eq '01') {
   $monthlyReport = $true
# Create the filename using the full date
# All daily files for a given month
# will be stored in a folder for that month
$filename = [String]$fdate + "_svr_cmdb_report.xlsx"
# Now create the folder structure if it doesn't exist
# The key is that the New-Item command will not
# overwrite if creating a directory
$rootpath = "D:\PowerShell_Scripts"
$inpath = "$rootpath\inventory\input"
$outpath = "$rootpath\inventory\out\" + $fdate.Split('-')[0] + '\' + $fdate.Split('-')[1] +'\'
$path = $fulloutpath + $filename
# Does not overwrite if $outpath exists
New-Item -Path $outpath -ItemType Directory -Force
# clear out an old file for a new run for
# the current date if an old report for the day exists
if (Test-Path $path) {
   Remove-Item $path -ErrorAction Ignore 
  Write-EventLog -LogName "Application" -Source "CustomScripts" -EventId 1000 -EntryType Information -Message "Removing report file for new run" 
# End Folder and File Name structure

Example: Assuming that the date is 2020-04-13. This code snippet creates a folder structure that looks like this: D:\PowerShell_Scripts\inventory\out\2020\04\
The report name would be: 2020-04-13_srv_cmdb_report.xlsx