This is the second part to my post on designing a document template using PScribo.
- Using the approach from part one, create a minimally reusable solution.
Required PowerShell Modules:
- I tested this using latest Windows PowerShell 5.1
- PScribo
Required CSV File:
Complete Script:
Create an $Team Architecture Starter Word Document
Creates a Word document with the default $Team architecture sections. Requires module PScribo. Can be used to output the document in HTML as well.
A string array that defines the format of the output.
The folder to store the output file under.
The filename of the output file.
The string that will appear on the title page.
.PARAMETER SectionDictCsv
The full path to the section CSV file used to build the section hash table.
The company the document is created for
The team the document is created for
A description of the PassThru parameter.
PS C:\> .\SolutionStarterV1.ps1 -Company $yourCompany -Team $YourTeam
SectionDict Csv file. To provide a simple method of documenting all standard topics used by the team and provide a way
for selecting among optional sections.The CSV file has the following column headers:
Section: Document the ordering and relationships for the topics, 1, 2, 2.1, etc.
Key: The Section Name, 'Document Control, Overview, etc.
Value: Indicate if a section should be included or not. Blank for no, 'x' for yes.
Comments: Any text
cover_image.txt - The image used on the coversheet.
By default the script outputs both MS Word docx and an HTML file.
PScribo Sections can be nested. The general approach in the script is to nest a section inside its parent section like so,
Section 1 { Section 1.2 {} } Section 2{...}. Then wrap the sections in if statements.
This allows for selection of individual sub sections and entire parent sections.
If the value of the key in the sections hash table is null then it evaluates to false in the if statement.
If a top level section is deselected, all it's subsections are automaticly deselected in the script.
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[System.String[]]$Format = @('Html', 'Word'),
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[System.String]$Path = "$env:OneDrive\Projects\Samples\Documentation\Solutions\",
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[System.String]$FileName = "SolutionStarterSample",
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[System.String]$Project = "Samples",
[Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
[System.String]$Team = "Your Team",
[Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[System.String]$Title = "Solution Starter Document Sample",
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[System.String]$SectionDictCsv = ".\SectionDict.csv",
#Region Module Import
try {
Import-Module PScribo -Force -Verbose:$false
Catch {
Write-Host "This Script Requires PScribo. It can be installed from the PowerShell Gallery."
# End Module Import
# Region Functions
function Get-SelectionFromUser {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[int]$Response = 0;
[bool]$ValidResponse = $false
while (!($ValidResponse)) {
[int]$OptionNo = 0
Write-Host $Prompt -ForegroundColor 'GREEN'
foreach ($Option in $Options) {
$OptionNo += 1
Write-Host ("[$OptionNo]: {0}" -f $Option)
if ([Int]::TryParse((Read-Host), [ref]$Response)) {
if ($Response -eq 0) {
return ''
elseif ($Response -le $OptionNo) {
$ValidResponse = $true
return $Options.Get($Response - 1)
function get-SectionDict {
$SectionDict = @{}
if (Test-Path -Path $SectionDictCsv) {
$cdText = Import-Csv $SectionDictCsv
$cdText | ForEach-Object { if ($_.Key -ne '#') { $SectionDict.add("$($_.key)", "$($_.value)") } }
else {
Write-Host "$SectionDictCsv not found - Exiting"
Return $SectionDict
#End Functions
#Region Data Gathering
$sections = Get-SectionDict
$currentDate = Get-Date -Format "M/dd/yyyy"
$path = $path.Replace('Samples', $project)
# Does not overwrite if $path exists
Write-Host "Creating folder $path if it does not exist"
New-Item -Path $path -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null
$fullpath = $path + $FileName
#For dynamic table example
$services = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Service | Select-Object -Property DisplayName, State, StartMode | Sort-Object -Property DisplayName
# end Data Gathering
$selection = Get-SelectionFromUser -Prompt "Do you want to create/overwrite $fullpath documents?" -Options 'Yes', 'No'
If ($selection -eq "No") {
Write-Host "Exiting Script" -ForegroundColor 'RED'
else {
Write-Host "Continuing" -ForegroundColor 'GREEN'
# region Tables
$owner = "$Team"
$dataClass = "$Company Internal Use"
$docControlTable = [PSCustomObject] [ordered]@{
'Author' = $userName;
'Document Owner' = "$owner";
'Document Name' = $Title;
'File Name' = $FileName
'Data Classification' = "$dataclass";
'Dated' = $currentDate;
'Version' = "0.0"
$versionTable = @(
[ordered]@{'Change Author' = $userName; 'Date' = $currentDate; 'Change or Event' = "File created" }
[ordered]@{'Change Author' = ''; 'Date' = ''; 'Change or Event' = "" }
[ordered]@{'Change Author' = ''; 'Date' = ''; 'Change or Event' = "" }
$contibutorsTable = @(
[ordered]@{'Contributor' = $userName; 'Role' = 'Author'; 'Email' = $userEmail }
[ordered]@{'Contributor' = ''; 'Role' = ''; 'Email' = '' }
[ordered]@{'Contributor' = ''; 'Role' = ''; 'Email' = '' }
$distributionTable = @(
[ordered]@{'Name' = $userName; 'Responsibility' = 'Author'; 'Email' = $userEmail }
[ordered]@{'Name' = ''; 'Responsibility' = ''; 'Email' = '' }
[ordered]@{'Name' = ''; 'Responsibility' = ''; 'Email' = '' }
$osTable = @(
[ordered]@{"OS Name" = ''; "OS Version" = ''; "Node Count" = '' }
[ordered]@{"OS Name" = ''; "OS Version" = ''; "Node Count" = '' }
[ordered]@{"OS Name" = ''; "OS Version" = ''; "Node Count" = '' }
$portTable = @(
[ordered]@{"Source" = ''; "Source Port" = ''; "Destination Port" = ''; "Protocol" = '' }
[ordered]@{"Source" = ''; "Source Port" = ''; "Destination Port" = ''; "Protocol" = '' }
[ordered]@{"Source" = ''; "Source Port" = ''; "Destination Port" = ''; "Protocol" = '' }
$softwareTable = [PSCustomObject] [ordered]@{
'Software Vendor' = '';
'Software Name' = '';
'Target Install Version' = '';
'Description' = ''
$hardwareTable = [PSCustomObject] [ordered]@{
'Hostname' = '';
'Physical or Virtual' = '';
'Operating System' = '';
'Function' = '';
'CPU Count' = '';
'Clustering' = '';
'Core Count' = '';
'Memory' = '';
'Network Interfaces' = '';
'Data Center' = '';
'Storage' = '';
'Backup' = ''
$raciTable = @(
[ordered]@{"Function" = 'Day to day operation'; "Responsible" = "$Team Operations"; "Accountable" = "$Team operations"; "Consulted" = "$Team Architecture"; "Informed" = "$Team management" }
[ordered]@{"Function" = ''; "Responsible" = ''; "Accountable" = ''; "Consulted" = ''; "Informed" = "" }
[ordered]@{"Function" = ''; "Responsible" = ''; "Accountable" = ''; "Consulted" = ''; "Informed" = "" }
[ordered]@{"Function" = ''; "Responsible" = ''; "Accountable" = ''; "Consulted" = ''; "Informed" = "" }
$vendorTable = @(
[ordered]@{"Vendor" = ''; "Support Contract" = ''; "Support Type" = ''; "Support Web Page" = '' }
[ordered]@{"Vendor" = ''; "Support Contract" = ''; "Support Type" = ''; "Support Web Page" = '' }
[ordered]@{"Vendor" = ''; "Support Contract" = ''; "Support Type" = ''; "Support Web Page" = '' }
# End region tables
#$cover_image = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String((Get-Content -Path .\cover.png -Encoding Byte))
$ThisDocument = Document -Name $filename {
#region Styles
Style -Name Normal -Size 12 -Font Arial -Color 'Black'
Style -Name 'TableNormal' -Size 10 -Font Arial -Color 'Black'
Style -Name 'TableHeaderNormal' -Size 10 -Font Arial -Color 'Black' -Bold
Style -Name TitleLine1 -Align Center -Size 36 -Bold -Color 'MediumVioletRed' -Font Arial
Style -Name TitleDate -Align Center -Size 14 -Font Arial
Style -Name TitleAuthor -Align Center -Size 16 -Bold -Font Arial
Style -Name 'Heading 1' -Size 16 -Align Left -Bold -Underline -Font Arial -Color 'CadetBlue'
Style -Name 'Heading 2' -Size 14 -Align Left -Font Arial -Color 'Black' -Bold
Style -Name 'Heading 3' -Size 12 -Align Left -Font Arial -Color 'Black' -Bold
Style -Name 'NotHeading 1' -Size 16 -Align Left -Bold -Underline -Font Arial -Color 'CadetBlue'
Style -Name 'Stopped Service' -Color White -BackgroundColor Firebrick -Bold
TableStyle 'Borderless' -HeaderStyle TableNormal -RowStyle TableNormal
TableStyle -Name 'ListGrid' -HeaderStyle TableHeaderNormal -RowStyle TableNormal -BorderWidth 2
Style -Name RightAligned -Align Right -Size 10 -Font Arial
Style -Name footer -Align Center -Size 10 -Font Arial
#end region Styles
$CoverImage = Get-Content -Path .\cover_image.txt
DocumentOption -ForceUppercaseSection -EnableSectionNumbering -PageSize Letter -MarginTopAndBottom 36 -MarginLeftAndRight 54
Blankline -Count 2
Paragraph "$Title" -Style TitleLine1
BlankLine -Count 2
Image -Text "#Company" -Align Center -Base64 $CoverImage
BlankLine -Count 1
Paragraph "$userName, $Team" -Style TitleAuthor
Paragraph "$userEmail" -Style TitleDate
BlankLine -Count 1
Paragraph "Date:$currentDate" -Style TitleDate
Paragraph "All rights reserved. $Company is trademark of $Company Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Other company trademarks are also acknowledged." -Size 10 -Italic
Section "Document Control" -Style 'NotHeading1' -ExcludeFromTOC -ScriptBlock {
Paragraph "Document Distribution and Review" -Bold
Paragraph "This document is for internal use by the $Company $Team. It may be shared with other $Company organizations on an as needed basis."
Paragraph "The author will distribute this document to the Change Reviewers and Approvers when first published and as updates are made. You may obtain the latest version of this document by email request to the author."
BlankLine -Count 1
Table -Object $docControlTable -List -Style listGrid -ColumnWidths 25, 75
Paragraph "Contributors" -Bold
Table -Object $contibutorsTable -Style listGrid
Paragraph "Distribution List" -Bold
Table -Object $distributionTable -Style listGrid
Paragraph "Event and Change History" -Bold
Table -Object $versionTable -Style listGrid
TOC -Name "Table of Contents"
if ($sections.'OverView') {
Section -Name "Overview" -Style 'Heading1' -ScriptBlock {
Paragraph "Short paragraph describing the project here. Include information on the project sponsor and any team strategic work streams related to this project."
if ($sections.'Goals and Objectives') {
Section -Name "Goals and Objectives" -Style 'Heading2' {
Paragraph "A high-level description of the purpose of this solution. Include target completion date if known."
if ($sections.'Services Description') {
Section -Name "Services Description" -Style 'Heading2' -ScriptBlock {
Paragraph "What does the project implement? Avoid use of product names and instead describe the functional aspects of the implemented solution."
if ($sections.'Definitions') {
Section "Definitions" -Style 'Heading2' {
Paragraph "Define technical terms and acronyms that the intended audience may not understand"
if ($sections.'Scope') {
Section -Name "Scope" -Style 'Heading2' -ScriptBlock {
Paragraph "Describe the scope of the project. Which $Team environments does the implemented solution impact? Who are the intended end users?"
if ($sections.'Dependencies and Constraints') {
Section -Name "Dependencies and Constraints" -Style 'Heading1' -ScriptBlock {
Paragraph "Dependencies:" -Bold
Paragraph "TBD"
Blankline -Count 1
Paragraph "Constraints:" -Bold
Paragraph "TBD"
if ($sections.'Naming Conventions') {
Section -Name "Naming Conventions" -Style 'Heading1' -ScriptBlock {
Paragraph " "
if ($sections."URL") {
Section -Name "URL" -Style 'Heading2' -ScriptBlock {
Paragraph "TBD"
if ($sections."File") {
Section -Name "File Naming" -Style 'Heading2' -ScriptBlock {
Paragraph "TBD"
if ($sections."Server") {
Section -Name "Server Naming" -Style 'Heading2' -ScriptBlock {
Paragraph "TBD"
if ($sections.'Group') {
Section -Name 'Group Names' -Style Heading2 -ScriptBlock {
Paragraph "TBD"
if ($sections."Security") {
Section -Name "Security" -Style 'Heading1' -ScriptBlock {
Paragraph "TBD"
if ($sections."Servers and Processes") {
Section -Name "Servers and Processes" -Style 'Heading2' -ScriptBlock {
Paragraph "TBD"
if ($sections."Data") {
Section -Name "Data" -Style 'Heading2' -ScriptBlock {
Paragraph "TBD"
if ($sections."Data Classification") {
Section -Name "Data Classification" -Style 'Heading3' -ScriptBlock {
Paragraph "TBD"
if ($sections."Authentication") {
Section -Name "Authentication" -Style 'Heading2' -ScriptBlock {
if ($sections."Users") {
Section -Name "User Authenication" -Style 'Heading3' -ScriptBlock {
Paragraph "TBD"
if ($sections."Service Accounts") {
Section -Name "Service Accounts" -Style 'Heading3' -ScriptBlock {
Paragraph "TBD"
if ($sections."Certificates") {
Section -Name "Certificates" -Style 'Heading3' -ScriptBlock {
Paragraph "TBD"
Paragraph "TBD"
if ($sections."Groups") {
Section -Name "Groups" -Style 'Heading2' -ScriptBlock {
Paragraph "TBD"
if ($sections."Patching and Updates") {
Section -Name "Patching and Updates" -Style 'Heading2' -ScriptBlock {
Paragraph "TBD"
if ($sections.'Solution Architecture') {
Section -Name "Solution Architecture" -Style 'Heading1' -ScriptBlock {
Paragraph "TBD"
if ($sections."Application Landscape") {
Section -Name "Application Landscape" -Style 'Heading2' -ScriptBlock {
Paragraph "TBD."
if ($sections.'Operating System Instances') {
Section "Operating System Instances" -Style 'Heading3' {
Paragraph "TBD."
Blankline -Count 1
Table -Object $osTable -Style listGrid
if ($sections.'Compute') {
Section "Compute" -Style 'Heading3' {
Paragraph "Server 1" -Bold
Table -Object $hardwareTable -List -Style listGrid -ColumnWidths 25, 75
Paragraph "Server 2:" -Bold
Table -Object $hardwareTable -List -Style listGrid -ColumnWidths 25, 75
if ($sections.'Other Software') {
Section "Other Software" -Style 'Heading3' {
Paragraph "TBD"
Paragraph "Software 1:" -Bold
Table -Object $softwareTable -List -Style listGrid -ColumnWidths 25, 75
Paragraph "Software 2:" -Bold
Table -Object $softwareTable -List -Style listGrid -ColumnWidths 25, 75
if ($sections."Clustering/High Availability") {
Section -Name "Clustering/High Availability" -Style 'Heading3' -ScriptBlock {
Paragraph "TBD"
if ($sections.'Protocols and Ports') {
Section -Name "Protocols and Ports" -Style 'Heading3' -ScriptBlock {
Paragraph "TBD"
Table -Object $portTable -Style listGrid
if ($sections.'Data Flows') {
Section -Name "Data Flows" -Style 'Heading3' -ScriptBlock {
Paragraph "Inputs:" -Bold
Paragraph "To be completed."
Paragraph "Outputs:" -Bold
Paragraph "To be completed."
if ($sections.'Network') {
Section -Name "Network" -Style Heading2 -ScriptBlock {
if ($sections.'Logical Network') {
Section -Name "Logical Network" -Style 'Heading3' -ScriptBlock {
Paragraph "TBD"
if ($sections.'Physical Network') {
Section -Name "Physical Network" -Style 'Heading3' -ScriptBlock {
Paragraph "TBD"
if ($sections."Enabled/Disabled Functionality") {
Section -Name "Enabled/Disabled Functionality" -Style 'Heading2' -ScriptBlock {
Paragraph "TBD"
if ($sections."Operations and Support") {
Section -Name "Operations and Support" -Style 'Heading1' -ScriptBlock {
Paragraph "TBD"
if ($sections."Process Changes") {
Section -Name "Process Changes" -Style 'Heading2' -ScriptBlock {
Paragraph "TBD"
if ($sections."RACI Model") {
Section -Name "RACI Model" -Style 'Heading2' -ScriptBlock {
Paragraph "Add Functions as necessary."
Table -Object $raciTable -Style listGrid
if ($sections."Training") {
Section -Name "Training" -Style 'Heading2' -ScriptBlock {
Paragraph "Describe any 3rd party or in house training that will be available."
if ($sections."Vendor Support") {
Section -Name "Vendor Support" -Style 'Heading2' -ScriptBlock {
Paragraph "Fill in the table for each solution component Vendor. "
Table -Object $vendorTable -Style listGrid
if ($sections.'Implementation Guide') {
Section -Name "Implementation Guide" -Style 'Heading1' -ScriptBlock {
Paragraph "TBD"
if ($sections.'Modifications to Existing Infrastructure Systems and Configurations') {
Section -Name "Modifications to Existing Infrastructure Systems and Configurations" -Style 'Heading2' -ScriptBlock {
Paragraph "To be completed"
if ($sections.'New Infrastructure') {
Section -Name "New Infrastructure" -Style 'Heading2' -ScriptBlock {
Paragraph "TBD"
if ($sections.'Hardware/VM') {
Section "New Hardware/VM" -Style 'Heading3' -ScriptBlock {
Paragraph "New Virtual and Physical Hardware:" -Bold
Paragraph "To be completed. Include details for all net new."
if ($sections.'Network') {
Section "Network Hardware" -Style 'Heading3' -ScriptBlock {
Paragraph "New Logical and Physical Network:" -Bold
Paragraph "To be completed. Include net new network items."
if ($sections.'Facilities Requirements') {
Section "Facilities Requirements" -Style 'Heading2' -ScriptBlock {
Paragraph "TBD"
if ($sections.'Space Planning') {
Section "Space Planning" -Style 'Heading3' -ScriptBlock {
Paragraph "Data Center Space Requirements:" -Bold
Paragraph "TBD"
Paragraph "Office Area and Related Spaces:" -Bold
Paragraph "TBD"
if ($sections.'Architectural Systems') {
Section "Architectural Systems" -Style 'Heading3' -ScriptBlock {
Paragraph "Building Structure:" -Bold
Paragraph "TBD"
Paragraph "Interior Partitions:" -Bold
Paragraph "TBD"
Paragraph "Ceiling:" -Bold
Paragraph "TBD"
Paragraph "Raised Floor:" -Bold
Paragraph "TBD"
Paragraph "Cooling:" -Bold
Paragraph "TBD"
if ($sections.'Fire and Water Protection') {
Section "Fire and Water Protection" -Style 'Heading3' -ScriptBlock {
Paragraph "Fire Alarm:" -Bold
Paragraph "TBD"
Paragraph "Fire Suppressant:" -Bold
Paragraph "TBD"
Paragraph "Water Detection:" -Bold
Paragraph "TBD"
Paragraph "Humidity Monitoring:" -Bold
Paragraph "TBD"
If ($sections.'APPENDICES') {
#From PScribo project examples.
Section -Name "APPENDICES" -Style 'Heading1' -ScriptBlock {
Section -Name "EXAMPLE OF DYNAMICALLY GENERATED TABLE" -Style 'Heading2' -ScriptBlock {
BlankLine -Count 2
Paragraph "This is an example of table data created dynamically that spans multiple pages and includes cell formatting."
Paragraph "Services ($($services.Count) Services found):" -Bold
$stoppedAutoServicesCell = $services.Clone()
$stoppedAutoServicesCell | Where-Object { $_.State -eq 'Stopped' -and $_.StartMode -eq 'Auto' } | Set-Style -Property State -Style StoppedService
$stoppedAutoServicesCell | Table -Columns DisplayName, State, StartMode -Headers 'Display Name', 'Status', 'Startup Type' -Tabs 1
Header -Default -IncludeOnFirstPage -NoSpace {
$header = [Ordered] @{
"$Team" = "$FileName"
"$Team Team__Style" = 'RightAligned'
Table -HashTable $header -Style Borderless -List
Footer -Default -NoSpace {
Paragraph "Page <!# PageNumber #!> of <!# TotalPages #!>" -Style 'footer'
try {
$ThisDocument | Export-Document -Path "$Path" -Format $Format -PassThru:$PassThru
Write-Host "Created $fullpath documents."
catch {
Write-Host "Error Unable to create the Word document." -BackgroundColor 'RED' -ForegroundColor 'YELLOW'