In this post I’ll show a small PowerShell function to identify SQL Server MS Cluster computer objects in AD.
The situation I have is that there is no consistent naming standard used when creating MS Clusters in one of my AD environments. Therefore, I needed some other way of filtering out these objects in scripts, without using SQL. After examining some of the objects I found that the ServicePrincipalName values could be used.
PowerShell Modules – The Active Directory module installed via the RSAT tools.
Privileges – the account that runs the function must be able to read AD data.
This approach works in my environment. It may not work in yours. The ServicePrincipalName of a MS Cluster computer object has two components of the string that can be used to identify cluster computer objects in my environment.
- RestrictedKrbHost
This string exists only for cluster member servers. - MSServerCluster
This string exists in Cluster computer objects and Cluster member server computer objects in AD.
That’s all the info I needed to effectively identify the cluster computer objects in my AD.
Here is the simple function I use. I validated the results with one of the DBA team members.
function test-IsClusterName($server) {
try {
$thisComputerObjectSPN = (get-adcomputer $server -Properties * | Select-Object servicePrincipalName -ExpandProperty servicePrincipalName)
$cnt1 = 0
$cnt2 = 0
$thisComputerObjectSPN | ForEach-Object { if ($_.contains('RestrictedKrbHost')) { $cnt1 = $cnt1 + 1 } }
$thisComputerObjectSPN | ForEach-Object { if ($_.contains("MSServerCluster")) { $cnt2 = $cnt2 + 1 } }
if (($cnt1 -eq 0) -and ($cnt2 -gt 0)) { $true }else { $false }
Catch {
Write-Error "Could not get the SPN for $server"
I’ve found this little function very useful when writing scripts that interact with computer objects in AD.
$serversInAD = Get-ADComputer -Filter { OperatingSystem -like "*windows*server*" } -Properties * | Sort-Object DNSHostname | Select-Object Name, DNSHostName, OperatingSystem, DistinguishedName, LastLogonDate, Enabled, @{name = 'IsClusterIP'; expression = { test-IsClusterName($($_.Name)) } }