Category: Inventory True Up

Generating The CMDB True Up Report

Required PowerShell Modules: ImportExcel: Douglas Finke has created an amazing module for creating Excel workbooks, even when Excel is not installed on the system you run the script from. This is a must have for your pragmatic PowerShell tool box. I use it all the time. I’ve linked to it’s page on the PowerShell gallery. […]

Merge CMDB Data with AD Data

Required PowerShell Modules: ImportExcel: Douglas Finke has created an amazing module for creating Excel workbooks, even when Excel is not installed on the system you run the script from. This is a must have for your pragmatic PowerShell tool box. I use it all the time. I’ve linked to it’s page on the PowerShell gallery. […]

Gather AD Data For CMDB True Up

Required PowerShell Modules: ActiveDirectory: This module is installed when you install the Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT). As of Windows 10 RSAT is installed as a optional feature. How you go about selecting computer objects from AD for inclusion in your CMDB true up activity is dependent on what your AD architecture is and what […]

An Approach To Server Inventory True Up

Problem Statement: Your organization uses ServiceNow and ServiceNow Discovery to populate and manage your server CMDB. How do you validate that the server CMDB server inventory is correct? How do you do this on an on going basis? Goals: Automate all data gathering and reporting. Compare the server inventory against sources of truth for deployed […]