This is the folder structure for the daily server CMDB true up reports. The code snippet assumes that the script it’s part of is deployed as a PowerShell scheduled job running on the server that provides the file share and therefore absolute paths are used. Create the Folder Structure and Implement the File Naming scheme: […]
Category: Powershell
An Approach To Server Inventory True Up
Problem Statement: Your organization uses ServiceNow and ServiceNow Discovery to populate and manage your server CMDB. How do you validate that the server CMDB server inventory is correct? How do you do this on an on going basis? Goals: Automate all data gathering and reporting. Compare the server inventory against sources of truth for deployed […]
Use PowerShell to Create a Daily Rubrik Backup Report
Required PowerShell Modules: ImportExcel: Douglas Finke has created an amazing module for creating Excel workbooks, even when Excel is not installed on the system you run the script from. This is a must have for your pragmatic PowerShell tool box. I use it all the time. I’ve linked to it’s page on the PowerShell gallery. […]
Get Windows Server Information
Problem Statement: There are times when having historical information on the configuration of a server is useful for trouble shooting. Or to check for readiness for some major upcoming change in the environment. Goals: Data gathering must be automated Reports to be generated on an as-needed basis Monthly reports to be generated and stored in […]
Pragmatic PowerShell Scripting – Functions to gather DNS Data
As I get work done with PowerShell and we continue to prepare for the migration to the AD environment of the company that a acquired us it occurs to me that it will helpful for the team to have ready to hand some DNS related details about our server inventory. Seems like a good task […]